Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lip Care is da "Balm!"

Biscuit is a budding homemaker. She is my right arm, really. Though only 12 years old, she can cook an entire meal and have it all ready at the same time. I was about 30 by the time I mastered that one!

Lately she has had opportunities to learn to make soap, lotion, laundry soap, hand soap, and Lip Balm.

We are still working on finding recipes that work well for us as far as the laundry and dish soaps. The Lip Balm recipe is wonderful, however! It is also AMAZINGLY simple!

I have always steered clear of lip sticks and gloss because I can "taste" them and I always seemed to end up with a stomach ache. That is not the case with this recipe. We found chapstick tubes at our local health food store for about 32 cents each. These are a little easier to use than "pots" but the pots are easier to pour into.

1 oz beeswax

4 oz oils (you can use any combo of your faves - like olive, canola, even veggie) We use Smart Balance from the grocery store - it contains vitamin E

Several drops of essential oil (so far, we LOVE peppermint, but plan to try lemon soon)

Melt beeswax and oils together over low heat. Once melted, remove from heat and add essential oil. Pour into containers. Mixture sets up in about 10 minutes and will be ready to use!

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